At Thermal Imaging Services safety is a core value.
We believe that:
- All injuries can be prevented.
- Safety first, work second.
- Everyone is responsible for safety.
- Working safely is a condition of employment.
Our actions:
The cooperation and involvement of all employees at every level is required to achieve our health and safety objectives through the business plan.
Our senior managers will ensure that:
- Safety management systems are developed, implemented and continuously reviewed for effectiveness.
- Resources including safe plant, equipment and training are provided to manage safety.
- Risks are eliminated at design stage wherever possible.
- Consultation is undertaken with management and employees on the development, implementation and refinement of our OHS systems and programs.
Our managers and supervisors will:
- Provide and maintain a safe work environment for their employees, contractors and visitors.
- Implement policies and procedures effectively.
- Consult with employees on all issues that will impact on their health, safety and well being.
- Investigate and report on all incidents, including near misses.
- Monitor their team’s OHS performance and strive for continuous improvement.
Our employees will:
- Work safely at all times to protect themselves and those working with them.
- Participate in OHS training, consultation and initiatives to improve health and safety.
- Report all hazards and incidents, including near misses, to their supervisor and assist with actions to reduce and eliminate risks.
Our performance:
- We will actively monitor and review our organisation’s performance to ensure that we succeed in meeting our health and safety objectives.
Thermal Imaging Services is independently audited annually, to ensure we have the ability to undertake work in accordance with NSW Work Health Safety Act 2017.
Audits are conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS/NZS 4801:2001 - Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems